In the stunning scenario of Monaco Yacht Club, celebrities and athletes from all over the world covered with their water bike a distance of 20 km in the sea in front of Oceanographic Museum.
[addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"]Ftech Official Supplier Riviera Water Bike Challenge for Princesse Charlene Foundation
30 Jun 2018 NewsMonaco hosted the Riviera Water Bike Challenge (RWBC) on June 17, 2018, in support of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. The venue is the Yacht Club and a water-bike challenge, racing 30 times between Yacht Club and the Musee Oceanographique for a total of 20 kilometres.
In the stunning scenario of Monaco Yacht Club, celebrities and athletes from all over the world covered with their water bike a distance of 20 km in the sea in front of Oceanographic Museum. Ftech supplied the cycling kit for all participants, design and delivered to staff and special guest t-shirts, polo, bermuda, hats, socks, flip flop.

“It is awesome for us of Ftech, brand of ASG, become official supplier and work side to side with Gareth Wittstock, brother of Princesse Charlene and deus ex machina of this event. We really work hard for more than 3 months to define every single tiny detail of the operations” declare Claudio Fantin, marketing strategist of Ftech and ASG Group. “When I saw Prince Albert, Princesse Charlene, Charles Leclerc, Valteri Bottas, with our clothing was a real emotional moment and this will be a mile stone for all of us in ASG”.
Ftech is a brand of Asg International Srl